Letter from Dr. Jade Dittaro

January 1, 2020
Hello lovely humans,
Hope you are enjoying good health and great times! A new year is starting, and I swear it’s the year of the plant-based revolution!! Now more than ever we are seeing a need for the world to change: our hospitals are crowded with people riddled with preventable chronic diseases, animal agriculture is poisoning our earth, and the generations that come after us are in danger of living in sickness on a sick planet.
The good news is the momentum is here and the message about the benefits of a healthy life, including a whole food plant-based diet, regular exercise, quality sleep, relaxation techniques, and time in nature, is spreading far and wide! We now have top neurologists and cardiologists, including in Kelowna, recommending whole food plant- based diets, and the word about CHIP is getting out. I’m so proud to enter my second year as the volunteer physician for our Kelowna program. I tell everyone I know about it!
Our goal this year is to double our numbers for the next CHIP session, so tell your friends. Big goals mean big change. We absolutely can make it happen. And the bottom line is, we all deserve to feel good. We all deserve to be healthy. We all should be able to really live and enjoy our days!
I’ve spent the past two years of my life studying nutrition and lifestyle medicine and I can say, without a doubt, that following CHIP recommendations helps people live longer and healthier. It is fact! So, with that said I look forward to the next CHIP in the springtime (yes, a second one has been added this year), and to some special guest appearances and surprises during it. Times just keep getting better!
So, tell your friends and family to come on out and sign up. It might, scratch that, it WILL change their lives.
Happiest New Year,
Dr Jade Dittaro, MD, CCFP
Volunteer Physician, Kelowna CHIP

1 thought on “Letter from Dr. Jade Dittaro

  1. Hi, Dr. Dittaro,
    My family has been looking for an MD with a naturopathic approach. You were highly recommended.
    Do you practice in or in the vicinity of Kelowna?
    If so I have a few questions for you.
    Can you help us ?

    Patient #1 (husband):
    Male, 80yrs old, has pacemaker since heart attack in 2013. Recently sudden drop in energy, extreme fatigue, pain in both hips when walking. It does not appear to be an emergency situation.
    Possible heavy metals in the system. Medical bureaucracy does not allow him to see a cardiologist directly, waiting period for pacemaker clinc visit 1 moth.

    Patient #2 (wife):
    Female 76 yrs old. Most urgent problem: advanced osteoarthritis in multiple joints, progressing fast, extremely painful.
    Family Dr. only offers painkillers & anti-inflamatory drugs, both rejected by the patient. Already tried several natural treatments without positive outcome.

    Also our daughter & her family would also be in terested in joining the gagng.

    Thank you for your time

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