Greetings to CHIP Alumni and friends. This month’s CHIP meeting will be Sunday, October 27, at 6 PM at the Lifestyle Centre, 1130 Springfield Road. Please join the 27 participants in the current CHIP program. The presentation is “Become What You Believe & Your DNA is not your Destiny.”
Come and enjoy food samples and a presentation by our dietician Beverly Haines. Please RSVP so we know how many food samples to prepare. Just call 250-764-8638 and leave the number of people coming on answering machine.
Another feature we are pleased to announce is Dr. Jade Dittaro, a local physician who is now our CHIP Medical Director. She will be giving a presentation followed by a Q &A. Bring your questions for the doctor. You can watch a short video with Dr. Dittaro so you can get acquainted.
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Gerry Bakker